Page 14 - Parmalat 2017 Consolidated Statement
P. 14

Governance Structure

               Parmalat S.p.A.,  a  company listed on  the Italian Online Stock Exchange (Mercato Telematico Azionario – MTA)
               adopted the conventional management and control system pursuant to which, the functions of the Shareholders’
               Meeting  notwithstanding,  the  Company’s  management  is  entrusted  to  the  Board  of  Directors  and  the  control
               function is performed by the Board of Statutory Auditors. The independent auditing of the financial statements is
               performed by external auditors, retained by the Shareholders’ Meeting.

               The  governance  model  is  completed  by  a  complex  of  powers  and  proxies,  internal  control  procedures,  the
               Corporate  Governance  Code,  the  Code  of  Ethics,  the  Code  of  Conduct  Regarding  Internal  Dealings  and  the
               Organization,  Management  and  Control  Model  pursuant  to  Legislative  Decree  No.  231/01,  all  approved  by  the
               Board of Directors and all binding on Directors, Statutory Auditors, employees and, in some cases, parties that
               enter into contractual relationships with the Company.

               Consistent  with  the  Company  Bylaws,  the  Board  of  Directors  appointed  a  Chief  Executive  Officer  to  whom  it
               entrusted the management of the Company, reserving certain issues for its exclusive jurisdiction.

               The Chairperson of the Board of Directors exercises the powers assigned by the Bylaws and is the Company’s legal
               Pursuant to the Bylaws, the same person cannot serve concurrently both as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.

               The  Board  of  Directors  established  two  internal  committees  that  provide  consultative  and  proposal-making
               support  to  the  Board  of  Directors:  the  Control  and  Risk  Committee  (which  also  serves  as  the  Committee  for
               Related-party Transactions) and the Nominating and Compensation Committee.

               On July 12, 2016, the Board of Directors of Parmalat S.p.A. reaffirmed its endorsement of the recommendations of
               the  Corporate  Governance  Code  for  Listed  Companies,  as  updated  in  July  2015  by  the  Corporate  Governance
               Committee sponsored by Borsa Italiana S.p.A.

               Parmalat S.p.A. is subject to guidance and coordination by B.S.A.  S.A.; the  Board of  Directors verified  that the
               Company meets the requirements of Article 16 of the Market Regulation approved by the Consob with Resolution
               No. 20249/2017.

               14                      Consolidated Non-financial Statement at December 31, 2017 Pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 254/2016
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