Page 25 - Parmalat 2017 Consolidated Statement
P. 25

In 2017, 5,384 people left the Group (+1% compared with 2016). In 2017, the total exit turnover for the Group was
               22%  (21%  in  2016),  12%  of  which  (10%  in  2016)  was  due  to  voluntary  exits.  The  region  with  the  highest  exit
               turnover was Latin America; this development is attributable to the reorganization projects mentioned earlier in
               this Report.

                                               Reentry rate after parental leave
                                                                2017                       2016
                                                      Women     Men      Total   Women     Men      Total
               Total number of employees who used the
                                                        318     132      450      320      156      476
               parental leave benefits
               Total number of employees who rejoined
                                                        247     131      378      267      159      426
               Parmalat after a parental leave
               Total  number  of  employees  who  rejoined
               Parmalat after a parental leave and were still   204   138   342   214      139      353
               on the payroll 12 months after their reentry

               Return to work rate                     78%      99%      84%      83%     102%      89%
               Retention rate                          76%      87%      80%      n.a.     n.a.     n.a.

               1  The rate of reentry after a leave is computed as (people who exited during the year/people who reentered during the year), therefore, any
               data higher than 100% represent instances in which the leave began in past years and ended in the reporting year.
               2  The retention rate is computed as (people who rejoined Parmalat and were still on the payroll 12 months later/people who returned from a
               parental leave the previous year). Consequently, the retention rate could not be computed for 2016 because the data for 2015 are not available.

               Consolidated Non-financial Statement at December 31, 2017 Pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 254/2016   25
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