Page 21 - Parmalat 2017 Consolidated Statement
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To  support  the  management  and  development  of  its  human  resources,  Parmalat  adopted  a  performance
               management system (PLUS) applied throughout the Group, thanks to which employees are periodically assessed in
               terms  of  their  objectives,  technical  competencies,  managerial  competencies,  and  conduct;  the  performance
               assessment  does  not  only  provide  an  evaluation  opportunity,  but  also  an  most  importantly  is  an  occasion  for
               defining the development plans for the resources involved in the process, analyzing any risk components and fine
               tuning the respective action plans. More than 4,500 Group employees are included in PLUS.

               The  Group  offers  on  a  regular  basis  training  internship  opportunities,  aimed  at  students  and  recent  university
               graduates from different fields of study; in Italy, training apprenticeships are also offered to students from upper
               secondary schools in the School-Work Alternating modality. Internships represent the main channel to join the
               Company for junior resources with no prior work experience.

               The risks identified for each country concern potential non-conformity with relevant regulations, loss of qualified
               staff  and  inefficient  allocation  of  personnel  to  critical  functions.  There  are  also  some  more  specific  risks  that
               depend  on  the  conditions  in  each  country.  For  example,  for  a  company  headquartered  in  South  Africa  or
               Venezuela, there is a constant risk of political instability that could result in a lack of basic services and critical
               financial  situations.  To  mitigate  those  risks,  the  Group  has  implemented  programs  aimed  at  strengthening  the
               staff, improving the control systems in the hiring phase and maintaining the work relationship with employees,
               providing  continuous  training  to  existing  resources  and  implementing  emergency  plans  in  response  to
               extraordinary events.

               Lastly,  Parmalat  promotes  numerous  initiatives  aimed  at  guaranteeing  the  well-being  of  its  employees  and  an
               adequate balance between personal and professional life. More specifically, depending on the individual countries
               (hence,  on  the  regulatory  and  social  benefit  context  and  level  in  the  collective  bargaining  agreements),  the
               following types of benefits are provided:

                   -  work-life balance programs, such as, for example, the possibility of part-time work upon reentry after
                      maternity  leave  or  other  support  requiring  conditions,  types  of  agile  work  arrangements  and  flexible
                   -  medical and accident insurance;
                   -  pension plans;
                   -  reimbursement of school related expenses for children of employees or the employees themselves;
                   -  initiatives in the areas of health and wellness.

               Performance Indicators

               Overview of Parmalat’s staff
               At December 31, 2017, the Group’s total staff numbered 26,234 employees (26,180 in 2016). With data based on
               the perimeter used for reporting purposes, the Group’s staff numbered 24,661 employees at December 31, 2017
               (25,892 in 2016). The reduction in the number of employees that occurred in 2017 compared with the previous
               year is due primarily to a reorganization of the Brazilian operations.

               The Group’s commitment to long-term collaborative relationships with its employees is demonstrated by the high
               percentage of staff hired on a full time basis, which reached 93% of the total staff, in line with the percentage in
               2016. The remaining 7% was hired with part time employment contracts.

               Consolidated Non-financial Statement at December 31, 2017 Pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 254/2016   21
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